Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is this the one where they see the whales?

Paychecks are good. French Fries are good. I had both of those tonight. I probably shouldn't have had the french fries, but I have, as of late, had an insatiable appetite. I know why. I've had this appetite before, it's just more apparent now since I've been off the pill (birth control to those of you from before 1952.) It's amazing, as a woman, to have, every month, a shift in emotion yet still have absolutely no control over it. Every month I forget that I teeter on the verge of crazy for about three days. This goes along with uncontrollable eating and feeling bad about it. 

Speaking of which, I'm making an attempt at discovering the cuisine this fair city of mine has to offer. It's not just the cuisine, but it's the scene, the life, the land I've so far ignored and put to the wayside. instead of buying food all week at work, maybe I will save my money and put it towards a new place to tempt my pallet. I've never been one for interesting food, but life's too short to not try something at least once. I didn't always go running every Saturday, and I tried that once, and haven't stopped. Maybe this will stick, even if it's just me and one other person interested in eating, and drinking, and discovering. This might be great. It might also backfire and I won't get cultured at all. At least I tried. Not everyone lives a privileged life like I do, it would be a shame to not take advantage of the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of it all. Join me on my life's adventure, won't you?


Unknown said...

Sigh, just another reason why we should live closer. I'm always up for new food!

Becky said...

Life is laughing at us...But let me tell you, knowing how easy it was to handle the travel last weekend, I know anything is possible!!!