Next on the roster is cleaning my room. I'm finding it really difficult to keep my whole life in one room. It's expanding and protruding from all sides. I go to people's houses who seem to have an immaculate living situation, yet here I am with what looks like JUNK everywhere. I'm not a contender for "Hoarders" by any means, but I just am really feeling the amount of STUFF that's pressing down on my life, and my inability to really organize it in a way that makes me feel comfortable. In about three weeks a team of people are going to come to my house to replace the carpet in my room (THANK GOD) and I'll have to move everything out of it for them to do this, and it scares me to have to move all my Junk back in. I'm hoping to be able to use this time to really sort through the stuff I just don't need and manage to keep that which I really do use.
I don't think life should feel like an uphill battle, but I'm afraid some aspects of it always will. I'm always going to struggle with food, and I'm always going to want to keep all these useless things because they have some sort of sentiment to me. But I need to remind myself that it's not things that will be missed at the end of our days. It never is. Though sometimes I think "I wish I hadn't lost that other arm warmer at really did go well with my fall jacket..." Oh well.
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